Thursday, January 5, 2012

Amazing Death and Regeneration of a Frog - Video


Emory said...

Wow! That was so amazing. It just doesn't seem logically possible to freeze most of your body and come back to life when the weather is warmer. This made me wonder if we can make inventions from this. Maybe we can make bionic body parts like this for people who live in really cold weather. If they are freezing they will just have to "hibernate" and wake up in a warmer temperature.

Luca said...

This is so awesome, maybe we could start a race of humans with that ability! In times of great starvation, they could ingest a chemical that would freeze them until food is found.

Ryan said...

Wow that was so cool! I never knew anything like that could happen. My favorite part was when they were holding the frog when it is frozen. It seems dead, but then all of the sudden it wakes up. It was amazing!

David said...

This is the way the North American Wood Frog survives in the winter. It’s interesting that the water inside of the frog forms a puddle around its organs and actually freezes it. The frog’s blood sugar acts like antifreeze to protect its cells. Its insides warm out before its outsides when it comes back to life in the spring. Since the frog is not using its organs when it is in a frozen state, I wonder if it lives longer.

Rehaan said...

I am amazed that these frogs can do that. I used to think that if your heart stops beating for more than an hour, you'll die. But not with this frog. Integrating this feature into humans would be nearly impossible. First of all, if you were hibernating, how would you sense food is out there. Also, I don't know if it is possible to get that precise with how much to freeze or do something else with us. Last of all, how would it happen.