Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baboons Display 'Reading' Skills, Study Suggests

Baboon foot hitting a word on the screen to indicate if it is an English word. 
(Credit: Image courtesy of CNRS (Délégation Paris Michel-Ange))

Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. The Computer - Interactive

Additional Production: Xaquín G.V. and Paul Lau/The New York Times
Historical game data courtesy of Shawn Bayern

Toxin Alert: Air Fresheners Pollute the Air with Hormone Disruptors

By Jameson McMullen

Febreze air fresheners. 5 April 2012. Own Work. 
Author: KRoock74

White Blood Cells - Interactive

By Jason Goodman


Electric Fish Charges up Research on Animal Behavior - Video

Electric eel (Electrophorus electricus). Taken at the New England Aquarium (Boston, MA, December 2006. 
Copyright © 2006 Steven G. Johnson and donated to Wikipedia under GFDL and CC-by-SA.

Squeeze Power

The blue glow in the sole of this shoe shows a chemical reaction at work. 
Credit: H. T. Baytekin and B. Baytekin

Meat From Scratch

Biologist Mark Post holds a sample of the engineered meat he’s growing in his Dutch lab. 
Credit: Reuters

Deep Brain Stimulation - Virtual Brain Surgery - Interactive

Help Dr. Vanessa Mei cut, probe and drill her way to helping her patient cope with a movement disorder through brain surgery!

How The Earth Was Made - Oceans - Video

By Camille Borkowski

"The Blue Marble" photograph of Earth,
taken from Apollo 17
NASA. Photo taken by either Harrison Schmitt or Ron Evans (of the Apollo 17 crew).