Friday, December 9, 2011

Coconut-Carrying Octopus - Youtube


Cypress said...

This is so cool! The octopus can kind of use it for protection. They can camouflage so well! It sort of curls up in that giant coconut shell thing for rest. I didn't know octopuses could be so smart to think to use a coconut shell that they probably just found laying around in the ocean.

Cami said...

It is so cool that this octopus figured out how to use the coconut the way it does. It's so cute when it curls up under it to go to sleep. The fact that the octopus is smart enough to be able to do this is amazing.

Alex G. said...

This article was really cool. The octopus moves really distinctly. The octopus can camouflage really well. The sand that gathers around the animal helps it move more silently. This was cool.

Anonymous said...

It is so cool that this octopus figured out how to use the coconut the way it does. It's so cute when it curls up under it to go to sleep. The fact that the octopus is smart enough to be able to do this is amazing.

Ms. Ghazarian said...

who is anonymous? Please put your first name!!

amanda said...

This article was awesome. It camoflages really well, and the giant coconut keeps it protected. I can't believe that the octopus was so intelligent to do that. Like Cypress said, I can't believe that the octopus used the coconut it found at the bottom of the ocean for shelter.

Emory said...

This is really fascinating. It's amazing how this octopus's mind works like ours. This is just one out of many examples of how animals are more enhanced than we think they are. Maybe one day octopuses will take over the world rather than apes.

Sam said...

It was extremely cool but I also think that it is so creepy because of the octopus and carrying a coconut! I never new that octopuses could carry so much with just a few sticky tentacles. I thought that only the biggest of octopuses could carry a big rock with them, but after what I saw I doubt it. I have heard that octopuses can squirt out ink which is really weird!

Samantha said...

I would have never thought an octopus could be so cleaver, it carried the coconut shell and then used it as protection. It is like Chimpanzees using straws to suck up ants and termites. It seemed to use its mind like a...well human. With information like this we realize there are probably many more smart sea creatures. This video reminds us that animals have minds and think and probably feel as well.

Sofia said...

That was very cool. They octopus used the coconut to keep inside of it for protection like Cypress said and also to kind of sleep in it.

Ava S. said...

That was really cool! The octopus must be really small though. It doesn't look like it, but compared to the size of the coconut, you can tell that it is small. I think it might have been using the coconut for protection.

Luca said...

I liked how the octopus skidded along the sand on that shell, but I can't really see the scientific value of this video.

Robert said...

Oh my gosh, that was so awesome! At first it was walking across the screen like a cartoon character, then it found a half of a coconut. Even after reading the title of the video, I still didn't know it was a coconut until the octopus dusted it off by flipping it. Also in the middle of the video, when it went inside and then flipped the coconut upside down, It looked like a turtle. I actually have a turtle who looks just like that. I wonder why a coconut would be underwater though.

Edie said...

Is that coconut normal-sized? If it is, the octopus must be small. I always knew they were super smart. Was that in the ocean or an aquarium? I'm only asking because if it was in the ocean, where were the other animals? How did they film that octopus? They should name it. Have other octopi been observed doing this? The video was super cool.

Gwen said...

This video is soo cool! I couldn't figure out, at first, if it was a giant coconut, or a small octopus! I couldn't belive that the octopus could carry it! I wonder how the octopus learned to use the coconut as shelter...

Cooper the GREAT! said...

This clearly proves that humans are NOT the only smart animals. Cows are very smart, if I might add.

Camille said...

I didn't know that an octopus could carry a coconut. I thought that this was really cool.

Sinclaire said...

This is so cool! It's like the octopus has a shield. This octopus is so smart.

Ava S. said...

I agree that the octopus was using the coconut for protection and maybe shelter. It kind of camouflaged with the coconut, so predators would not see it. I think that the octopus is really smart to use the coconut, because it had multiple purposes. And how did a coconut get in the ocean???

Sergio said...

This is so cool though if I may add: it's not strange that there was a coconut. I did some research and some octopuses like the dumbo octopus can live up to 7000m below sea level. If you look at those standards there is no way that there could be coconut though since a recorder was not affected by the pressure it must have been taken in the intertidal zone where some octopuses live so I conclude there could be coconut near by the octopus. It's likely that they could fall into the water because coconuts also require large humidity thus they would be close from the water. For next time, should I write the URL of the other websites I checked for the information?

Rehaan said...

The octopus did a smart thing by hiding itself in the coconut. The octopus was all in clear water. Then it moved the sand around so it could get in to the coconut without anybody knowing. That was a smart decision. It was amazing to see how the octopus got into the coconut. Emory, I do not think that octopus's will take over the world. If any animal were likely to take over the world, it would be jellyfish. Jellyfish have no predators. Many books point out that they might take over the sea, then land. No kind of animals eat jellyfish. But jellyfish eat or destroy all other animals. Did you know that there are jellyfish that are as big as several humans. I had already made a whole entire post about why jellyfish will take over the world. If you don't believe me, read the post.

Jameson said...

It's amazing when you think that and octopus could be so smart. Using two halves of a coconut, it can defend itself, have shelter, and use it as camouflage.

Nick said...

I found the video interesting. It's amazing that the octopus can take advantage on a coconut, something that you would expect an animal to just discard. But instead the octopus takes it and uses as shelter and camouflage.

David said...

The octopus is an extremely smart sea animal. It doesn’t have a shell or bones, or any way of really protecting itself, and it’s not poisonous, so it has to outsmart its predators to survive. Also, the water is very clear, and there are no rocks or plants or coral to hide behind. It thinks the cameraman may be a predator, so it’s using different tactics to shelter and protect itself. It uses the coconut shell to hide under and protect its soft body. First, the octopus is hiding under the coconut shell which is camouflaged under the sandy floor of the ocean. Then the octopus wraps itself around the shell to transport it and flee from the cameraman. And then it tries to use the coconut shell like a bivalve for full protection. At the end of the video, it decides that the cameraman is not a predator after all. It’s very curious and checks out the camera. The octopus is a very interesting sea creature to observe and study.