Workers help build the neutrino-beam facility used at CERN to shoot particles to Italy in a 2005 picture.
Photograph courtesy Maximilien Brice, CERN
I think this article was really interesting. It's so cool how neutrinos might be able to move faster than light. If this is true, it would prove Einstein wrong, which is cool and sad at the same time. It would be amazing because it would be like the biggest breakout in science that we've had in a really long time. The sad part would be that we proved Albert Einstein wrong. Everyone (including me) thought that he was the smartest man to ever live, that he was an idol, etc. But if he gets proven wrong, wouldn't that be disappointing, in a weird way? Anyway, I thought the article was really interesting, even though I put a sad twist on it.
I don't get how Einstein thought that light was the fastest moving particle (no offense Einstein). I think its possible to move at the speed of light, it would just be really really really really really really really really really hard. Also, I have done research on this topic, and I found out that neutrinos let off a glow when they pass through water.
This article is very interesting. It would be such a big deal if someone proved Albert Enstein wrong. They were very skeptical about the idea of it, but there is a chance. I agree with Cami that it would be kind of dissapointing if Enstein was proven wrong. It would also kind of be cool, because if particles can move faster than the speed of light maybe we can find a way to move faster than the speed of light. But only a little bit faster won't help us. To travel to places across the universe it could take billions of light years. A little bit faster than that won't help. But if you can go faster than light who knows how much faster you can get? I don't even think we could get to such a speed anyway because we are not light or particles. I still think Enstein would be one or the smartest man ever because he has done so much other stuff, and his theory might still not be completely wrong. I hope the instruments weren't wrong, but there is a high chance that they were . maybe it gets hard to measure at the speed of light or near it or even faster.
This was an amazing article! If someone proved Einstein's "Speed of Light" theory wrong, it would be a breakthrough in science. Even though I think it would be a bit sad (because I always thought Einstein was the smartest man alive), but we everyone learns from someone else's mistake.
I am not convinced that neutrinos are the fastest particles in the universe. The article says that it has a very, very, very, very small amount of mass, but it still has mass. If there was a particle with even smaller mass, it would be able to travel faster than neutrinos.
You do know that Albert Einstein also said that going faster than the speed of light would mean going through time.
Scientists will need to to do a lot more studies on neutrinos. Experiment results could be incorrect because of measurement or instrument errors. It’s hard to measure such small particles that travel such far distances at such high speeds. Also Einstein’s theories of general and special relativity are extremely important to science, even if some parts of it are proven wrong one day. His theories are important for future theories.
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